10 months ago
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Quick and easy pancakes

Quick and easy pancakes

Ingredients :

250 g flour
500 ml milk
4 eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
1 pinch salt
50 g melted butter


Place the flour in a bowl with the salt and sugar.
Lightly whisk the eggs with the milk, then gently fold into the flour, mixing well until the dough is fairly fluid. If it seems too thick, add a little more milk.
Add the melted butter and mix well.
Cook the crêpes in a hot frying pan (no need for fat, it’s already in the batter). Pour a small ladleful of batter into the pan, swirl to distribute the batter over the entire surface, place on the heat and when the batter dries and small bubbles begin to appear, it’s time to flip.
Leave to cook for about a minute on this side, and the crepe is ready. Repeat until the batter runs out.
Top each crêpe with Nutella.
Or your choice of fruit jam (banana, strawberry, apple, kiwi, etc.).
Serve with whipped cream, chocolate sauce, caramel, fruit coulis, etc.

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