1 year ago
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Kinder fat offense Cake

Kinder fat offense

Ingredients needed for the cookie:

8 eggs
8 tablespoons of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
1 baking powder
6 spoons of flour
2 density spoons
4 tablespoons of lukewarm water
3 spoons of oil
3 spoons of cocoa

Preparation of the rusks:

Mix the egg yolks with the sugar until frothy.
Mix flour, shortening and baking powder and add to egg yolk mixture.

Add the lukewarm water, oil and cocoa.
Mix lightly and add the egg white that you have previously mixed until stiff.
Divide the mixture into 2 equal parts.
Pour a portion into a 26 cm mold, which you have covered with baking paper and floured.

Bake at 165°C for approximately 20 minutes.
Remove the cooked cookie from the pan.
Put the ovens and such.
Cool the cookies.

Ingredients needed for the cream:
4 vanilla slag cream or 4 slag foam or
500 ml sweet cream
2 ili fix gelatin 2 fix slag
250 mascarpone sira
3 tablespoons of white chocolate (you can use linoleum)

If using slag foam or creams, mix them with cold milk and gelatin or slag fixative.

Use less milk than what is written in the instructions on the packet so that the custard is firm enough.
If you use sweet cream, mix it with slag to make a firm cream.
Mix the mascarpone separately with the white chocolate and mix lightly with the whipped cream.
It is very important not to mix the slag as it may fall out and your cream will not be strong enough.

Melt 80 to 100 g of chocolate with a few tablespoons of oil and a tablespoon of caster sugar.
If you want to have a perfect frosting that will not crack when cutting, add 3 tablespoons of sweet cream
(in liquid state) in the melted chocolate and stir.
Cool the icing.

Biscuits, half cream.
Spread the cream after the chocolate icing.
Make sure to put it in the fridge to set the frosting for at least half an hour so the slag doesn’t mix into the frosting.
When the icing has set, cover with the other half of the cream.
Cover with another biscuit and cover with ganache or icing.
I covered it with ganache.

Heat 150 ml of sweet cream until boiling, add about 150 g of cooking chocolate with a spoonful of caster sugar.
Stir to melt the chocolate.
Cool and pour over the cake.
The cake will cool overnight.

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