1 year ago
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Apple cookies recipe

Apple cookies recipe

I. Apple cookies: original, simple and delicious recipe.
A sweet buttery pastry with small bits of apple:


2 Apples
Butter 25g
Sugar (1 large spoon)
Honey (1 tablespoon)
Cinnamon 5g
Hazelnuts 40g

Shortcrust pastry:
1 egg
Pinch of salt
Sugar 50g
Melted butter 50g
Milk (2 large spoons)
Flour 220g
Baking yeast 4g
Powdered sugar


  1. Filling: grate the apples and cook them in a pan with butter, sugar, cinnamon and honey. Then add the chopped hazelnuts.
  2. Shortcrust pastry: in a bowl mix egg, salt, sugar, melted butter, milk, flour and baking powder. Form a homogeneous and soft dough.
  3. Now form the biscuits and bake them at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
  4. Serve with powdered sugar.

II. Apple swivels: simple, easy and mouthwatering dessert


120 gr butter
100 gr sugar
2 eggs
500 gr flour
2 apples + 2 tablespoons of sugar


In a bowl, mix well sugar and butter. Then add eggs, a pinch of salt and flour. Form a uniform dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the apples into cubes and mix them with the sugar.

Roll out the dough, add the apples and form the rolls.

Bake at 400°F (190°-200°) for 25 minutes.

Enjoy your Apple cookies recipes.

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