2 years ago
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The Turkish Bread Recipe

Turkish Bread

Bazlama: The Turkish Bread to Bake in the Pan in Minutes!

Bazlama is a flat, thin bread, commonly prepared in Turkey and surrounding regions. It is made from wheat flour, yeast, water and salt and is usually baked on a hot griddle for a soft, crispy loaf on the outside. Bazlama is often served warm and can be used to wrap ingredients for a sandwich, or dipped in yogurt or olive oil for a delicious meal.

Ingredients :

170g boiled potatoes
230g (1 4/5 cups) flour
110 ml (1/2 cup) milk
7g dry yeast
5g of salt
Melted butter
Chopped parsley

Preparation :

Mix boiled potatoes with milk and mix with flour, baking powder and salt. Let the dough rise for 1 hour.
Divide the dough into several pieces, roll them out with a rolling pin and fry in a pan on both sides for 2-3 minutes.
Spread with melted butter and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

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