1 year ago
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Quick chocolate muffins

Quick chocolate muffins


2 eggs
Pinch of salt
8 g (2 tsp) vanilla sugar
150 g (¾ cup) sugar
130 ml (½ cup) vegetable oil
200 ml (4/5 cup) milk 250
g (2 cups) flour
30 g (3 tbsp.) cocoa
15 g (3 tsp) baking powder
White chocolate


Add the eggs, salt, vanilla and sugar to the mixing bowl. Mix. Add oil and milk. Mix. Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder. Mix well.
Pour half of the resulting mixture into the muffin tins.
Arrange the white chocolate. Add the rest of the mixture.
Bake at 360°F/180°C for 25 minutes. Serve.

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