8 years ago
3 0

Homemade Funnel Cake!


1 1/4 cups all purpose flour, 1 large egg, 2/3 cup milk, 2 TBS sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp vanilla (or flavor of choice…be creative)


I mix all ingredients well and add more milk if too thick. Instead of a funnel, I use an old plastic squeeze ketchup bottle…EASIER!! I heat a small amount of canola (or vegetable) oil in my small cast iron skillet. Then, ……I random squirt and swirl batter in oil. Flip when it starts bubbling and turning brown (like you do when making pancakes.) Sprinkle with powdered sugar. My friends LOVE when I make them for dessert! FUN! Remember, my recipes are a guide…BE CREATIVE! I’m going to try adding cocoa powder to make a chocolate one…or strawberry extract…Hmmmmm!

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