2 years ago
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Easy and Quick Pastry Cream

Pastry Cream

Here is the traditional recipe for making a pastry cream, present in many recipes, it is an easy recipe to make

Ingredients :

For about 1 liter of pastry cream
1/2 liter of milk
100g sugar
5 egg yolks
60g cornstarch or flour
1/2 vanilla pod

Preparation :

In a saucepan, pour half a liter of milk. Scrape half a vanilla pod with a knife, and add the seeds and the pod to the milk. Bring everything to a boil over low heat to infuse the vanilla well into the milk.
Separate the yolks from the whites of 5 eggs, and put them in a salad bowl or bowl. Pour in 100 grams of sugar and beat vigorously with a whisk until the mixture whitens and the sugar crystals are dissolved.
Gradually add 60 grams of cornstarch (cornflour type) or, failing that,
flour, to the egg yolk and sugar mixture. Mix gently so as not to form lumps.
Once the mixture is well blended, pour half of the just-boiling vanilla flavored milk – onto the creamer.
Mix delicately at first then more vigorously to loosen the cream. When the cream is very soft, pour it back into the saucepan with the remaining half of the milk.
Return the saucepan to low heat. Mix constantly until the first bubbles appear, which coincides with the thickening of the cream. This must remain flexible.
When the cream is sufficiently cooked, turn off the heat and continue to whip it so that
it cools more quickly.
To prevent a dry crust from forming on the surface, dab the cream with
about 50 grams of butter. Thus, the cream will remain very supple and shiny.

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