1 year ago
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Creme brulee recipe

Creme brulee

Ingredients :

– 6 egg yolks
– 500 ml of liquid full cream (or 35%)
– 50 g of sugar (1/4 cup)
– 1 vanilla pod
– 6 tablespoons of brown sugar (brown sugar) to caramelize

Preparation :

Preheat the oven to 160°.

In a saucepan heat the cream in

which we add the vanilla seeds obtained by scraping the split vanilla pod with the tip of a knife and bring to a low boil.

In a bowl mix the yolks and sugar.

As soon as the cream is boiling, pour the cream over the mixture, whisking.

Fill 6 ramekins and place them in a bain-marie.

Bake for 25 mins.

Leave to cool then refrigerate for 4 hours.

When serving: Sprinkle each ramekin with brown sugar or powdered sugar and caramelize with a kitchen torch. Wait 1 minute and serve.

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