1 year ago
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Creamy fried bombs

Creamy fried bombs

Creamy fried bombs: you’ll fall in love with this amazing dessert.
So fluffy and full of cream! The recipe is so easy and quick, save the it now:


170g warm milk
14g brewer’s yeast
55g sugar
335g flour “0”
1 pinch of salt
2 egg yolks
40g butter

500ml milk
4 yolks
40g rice starch
130g sugar
1 vanilla pod
Lemon peel


  1. Dough: dissolve the yeast in hot milk. Divide the yolks from the whites and beat the yolks. In a bowl, mix the flour with sugar and salt. Then add the yeast, butter and egg yolks. Mix and form a homogeneous dough, let it rise for 2 hours.
  2. Cream: heat the milk with lemon zest and vanilla pod. Separately, mix the egg yolks with sugar and starch. Add the milk, stir and let it thicken on the heat. Let it cool with cling film.
  3. Form 60g spheres and let them rest for 45 minutes.
  4. Fry in hot oil and fill with the cream.
  5. Enjoy your Creamy fried bombs.

Credit: cakeshare

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