1 year ago
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Super Soft Fleurie Brioche

Super Soft Fleurie Brioche

Super Soft Fleurie Brioche: The Tasty Recipe to Make Easily

The super fluffy flowered brioche is a soft and fluffy pastry made from flour, sugar, milk, eggs and yeast. After being kneaded, the dough is modeled in the shape of a flower before being baked until it is golden and slightly crunchy. Perfect for breakfast or a snack, it can be eaten on its own or with butter and honey.

Ingredients :

1 tablespoon dry yeast
120 g lukewarm milk
60 g of sugar
450 g of flour
2 yolks + 1 egg
90g condensed milk
1 teaspoon of salt

Preparation :

In a bowl, combine the yeast, sugar, salt and hot milk.
Let stand 30 minutes.
Combine flour, eggs, condensed milk and yeast mixture.
Make a paste and leave for 2 hours.
Then make balls and place them in a baking dish.
Cover and let stand 30 minutes.
Then bake at 356°F (180°) for 25 minutes.

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