8 months ago
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Wonderful Sauce Recipes

Wonderful Sauce

Discover 5 Wonderful Sauce Recipes For All Tastes

I’m thrilled to present five delicious sauce recipes that will add flavor and variety to your meals. Whether you’re looking to add a little zing to your tacos, a little sweetness to your grilled chicken, or a little creaminess to your salad, these five tasty sauces are sure to please your taste buds.

Cesar Sauce Recipe

3 garlic teeth
3 anchovy steaks
1/4 cup natural Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon of mustard
3 tablespoons parmesan cheese powder

Let’s start the preparation by grinding the garlic in a mortar with a pinch of salt.
It should look like pasta. Then we add the anchovies and continue crushing until everything is well mixed.
Let’s add the mixture to a container with the yogurt and remove until all the ingredients are well mixed.
We incorporate in the mixture the parmesan and mustard, splashing to our taste and continue to remove until we get a homogeneous mixture. And done!! our sauce is ready.

3 options for Barbecue garlic sauce

Ingredients for the base
1 cup of ice milk
3 garlic teeth
About 400 ml of oil

Ingredients for flavour 1
Green flavouring and oregano to taste

Ingredients for flavor 2
Smoked pepper to taste

Ingredients for flavor 3
Grated lemon to taste

Basic preparation method
Whisk milk, garlic and salt in a blender, gradually adding oil until creamy.

Preparation of flavor 1
After making the base add the chopped green smell, oregano and mix well with a spoon.

This homemade sauce is ideal for meat.

Flavor Preparation 2
When you have finished making the base, place the smoked paprika and mix well with a spoon.
It goes very well with chicken.

Flavour Preparation 3
Once you’ve made the base, add the lemon grater and mix well with a spoon. This is the perfect garlic sauce for fish.

Delicious green garlic sauce

1 can of cream
1 tablespoon of parsley
1 tablespoon of onions
3 medium garlic teeth
Olive oil to taste

Beat all the ingredients in the blender, except the olive oil, until the garlic is dented.
With the blender still on, gradually add the oil until it reaches the desired consistency.

Homemade Oyster Salsa

Ingredients for the oyster sauce for 4 people
Natural oysters-12 units
Water-400 ml
Soy sauce-2 tablespoons
Sugar-1 teaspoon

Open the oysters and keep all the liquid they have in a container.
Add all the liquid, next to the oysters and 400 ml of water in a flush. Boil on slow fire and cook during 20 minutes. Extinguish the fire and sift the resulting liquid
Add the oysters in a glass suitable for the blender, next to the liquid we slipped, a teaspoon of sugar and two soy sauce.
Grind until you get a homogeneous texture.
Pass the sauce through a strainer of type “Chinese” for a finer result.

Delicious Barbecue cheese sauce

1 can sour cream
1/2 cup of olive oil
1 tablespoon of mustard
500 grams of cheese (cut in buckets)
Milk if necessary
Fine herbs and oregano

Cut the cheese in small buckets and leave it in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Put the olive oil, the cream and a tablespoon of mustard in the blender and add the cheese little by little.
In case the cream gets too thick, add some milk to get to the point.
Put everything in a plate, add oregano and fine herbs.
Take it to the fridge and leave it there until it is time to serve.

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