1 year ago
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Two-tone chocolate salame

Two-tone chocolate salame

Two-tone chocolate salame: the quick and easy recipe


410 ml (1 4/5 cups) milk
130g (3/5 cup) sugar
1 teaspoon lemon zest
70 g (1/2 cup) cocoa powder
160g (3/5 cup) butter
400g biscuits
100 g walnuts
90g melted milk chocolate
30g peanuts
50g melted white chocolate
30g peanuts


In a bowl, mix the milk, lemon zest, sugar and cocoa powder.
Cook over a low boiling heat for a few minutes, and add the butter.
Once sufficiently cooled, combine the cookies and chopped nuts.
Roll in parchment paper and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Cover with white chocolate mixture and dark chocolate mixture and refrigerate for another 30 minutes

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