1 year ago
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Stuffed neck roast recipe

Stuffed neck roast

Stuffed neck roast, a lots of meat and onions!

Ingredients :

2-2.5kg boneless pork shoulder
350g bacon or bacon, streaky onion, thinly sliced
​​6 Ringed
salt and pepper

preparation :

  1. First, cut the pork neck into slices (don’t cut all the way through) to create pockets for stuffing. Salt the roast and season with pepper. Then fill the first pocket with some thinly sliced ​​bacon.
  2. Now fill the next pocket with plenty of onion rings. Then continue to fill the pockets alternately. Place the stuffed roast in a roasting pan with a lid and cover. Now let it sit in the fridge for about 12-24 hours.
  3. Cook in a preheated oven at 210°C for approx. 2 to 2.5 hours. Complete!

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