1 year ago
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Potato Bread Recipe

Potato Bread Recipe

Potato Bread Recipe, Without Flour And Without Eggs, Easy To Make

Do you want an original bread? How about some potato bread? You will be enchanted! A very easy and quick bread to make. If you really want a good bread to accompany your sauces and soups I highly recommend it.

Ingredients :

4 tablespoons cornstarch
100 grams of grated mozzarella
4 small boiled potatoes, mashed
Extra virgin olive oil for frying

Preparation :

First, we’re going to need a nonstick skillet. Next, cook the potatoes, remove the skin and mash them with a fork.
Mix the 100 grams of grated mozzarella and the 4 tablespoons of cornstarch. Then mix everything well until you get a homogeneous mass.
Once the dough is ready, make small flattened balls.
Put the frying pan on the fire greased with olive oil, wait for it to heat up and start frying your potato buns with cheese.
Leave to brown and turn to brown the other side. Finally, remove from the heat and it’s ready to be devoured.

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