1 year ago
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No-Bake Chocolate Cake

No-Bake Chocolate Cake

This chocolate cake is perfect for summer and is easily prepared in just 20 minutes, without the need for baking. It can be customized to your cheese and cookie preferences, making it even more delicious. In addition, it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days if properly closed.

How to make chocolate cake!!

Ingredients :

For the base
135 g melted butter or margarine
250 g chocolate biscuits
For the cream
100 g of sugar
200 g liquid cream
300 g cheese spread
150 g dark chocolate

Preparation :

To make this no-bake chocolate cake, start by preparing the base.
Use a blender to finely chop the chocolate cookies, then melt the butter or margarine.
Mix the two ingredients in a bowl using a wooden spoon until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Press the biscuit on the bottom of the mold using the back of a spoon, then place the base in the refrigerator.
To prepare the chocolate cream, combine the cream cheese and sugar in another bowl.
Melt the dark chocolate, then add it to the mixture and stir until smooth.
Whip the liquid cream and add it to the mixture while stirring
gently from bottom to top until the cream is homogeneous.
Pour the cream over the biscuit base and smooth the surface well.
Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before
dusting with bitter cocoa and serving. This no-bake coffee pie
is an easy-to-make, fresh and creamy dessert
perfect for any occasion.

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