Baked Sugar Cookies
Cookie Icing ( White, Black. Red, Green, & Blue )
Jelly Beans- Orange
Frost cookies with White Icing, Let completely dry.
On a plate sprayed with non-stick cooking spray, heat
Marshmallows in micro wave oven for 10 -15 seconds.
If you want marshmallow to melt more extend microwave time by a few more seconds.
Let marshmallows cool for 5 minutes and place on the
Back half of iced cookie, pressing down slightly.
Use black icing to make eyes and mouth on marshmallow
using a toothpick.
Also use black icing for buttons of snowmen on cookie.
Cut orange jelly bean in 1/4th and place in marshmallow
for nose.
Using a toothpick dipped in black icing, draw sticks on cookie for arms.
Pipe different colors of cookie icing around the bottom of marshmallow for scarf’s.
Optional… may use sprinkles on icing of cookie.

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