1 year ago
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Easy donuts recipe

donuts recipe

Tequeños: Venezuelan donuts that are super easy to make!


150 ml (3/4 cup) of water
7g dry yeast
13 g (1 tbsp.) sugar
2 eggs
50g (1/4 cup) butter
530 g (4 1/2 cups) all-purpose flour
12 g (2 tsp) salt
500g cottage cheese
Oil for frying

Preparation :

In a bowl, add water, dry yeast, sugar, eggs and butter and whisk. Add the salt and gradually add the flour and mix with a spatula.
When the dough begins to form, knead it with your hands to obtain a smooth dough. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 20 minutes.
Cut the cottage cheese into strips (8 cm x 1.5 cm) and set aside.
After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into three parts. Roll each one out with the rolling pin and cut into strips.
Wrap the sliced ​​strips around each piece of cheese and seal tightly, pressing down with your hands.
Transfer them to the pan with hot oil and fry until golden brown.

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