2 years ago
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Delicious Custard Cakes

Custard Cakes

Delicious Custard Cakes, Sugar Free, Milk Free, Gluten Free

In the mood for a sweet treat? Don’t turn around and get into the kitchen, we present you with a recipe for a simple pastry cream that will make it more tasty and you will surprise more than one! Bonus for this recipe: It is prepared without dairy products and without sugar.

Ingredients :

Custard recipe
250 ml almond milk
3 eggs
25 g fructose
10 g almond flour
10 g cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Recipe for cigars with custard filling
4 egg whites
60 g of fructose
1 tablespoon vanilla extract powder
100 g almond flour
½ cup of dairy-free cream

Preparation :

Custard recipe: In a bowl, mix together the eggs, fructose and vanilla extract. Add the almond flour and cornstarch. Whisk together.
Boil the almond milk. Once boiled, add it to the egg and flour mixture in a gradual manner while mixing to avoid lumps.
Then, return the mixture to the pan over low heat and continue to cook, stirring constantly in a figure of eight, until the mixture becomes homogeneous and acquires the consistency you desire.
Your cream is ready to be used to garnish your cakes or simply to enjoy it with a spoon.
Custard filled cigars recipe: Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Start by firmly beating the egg whites.
Then add the fructose and vanilla extract powder and continue to whisk for a few moments until the mixture is firm.
Then add the flour and cream and continue to mix until you have a smooth batter.
On a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and using a tablespoon, place small piles of dough and flatten them to form small disks.
Bake for 6 to 7 minutes.
After baking, remove the discs with a spatula and roll them up, then let them harden.
Fill the cigars with pastry cream using a piping bag or simply a large syringe.

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