2 years ago
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Butter cream recipe

Butter cream


8 egg yolks
250 g of sugar
300 g of butter


Put the sugar in a saucepan and add a little water just to moisten the sugar. You don’t need to put too much.

Bring the mixture to the boil and cook at 121°C. Use an electronic probe thermometer.
If you don’t have a thermometer, you can dip the prongs of a fork into boiling sugar, then remove it, you will notice the formation of threads so the sugar is ready.
Put the yolks in a bowl.

Gently pour the cooked sugar over the egg yolks on low speed.
As soon as the sugar is fully incorporated, beat until completely cooled on high speed, the mixture will thicken as you go.

Once the preparation has cooled, put the softened butter into small pieces.
Continue to beat until a very smooth and homogeneous cream is obtained.
At the moment it can be flavored with coffee, chocolate, praline depending on the use.

Keep refrigerated until use.

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