7 years ago
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The Best No-Carb Cloud Bread with Only 4 Ingredients

I thought what the heck is Cloud Bread ? Bread with no carbs? I saw this recipe few months ago and with the name like that I knew I had to give it a try. I’m not sure why I waited this long. This Cloud Bread is so soft, airy, fluffy and practically melts in your mouth. It is very delicious home-made bread replacement that is practically carb-free, gluten-free and high in protein.

3 eggs, separated
3 Tablespoons cream cheese
¼ teaspoon baking powder (or cream of tartar)

Optional ingredients: 1 TBS Honey or your favorite natural sweetener, salt, garlic powder, rosemary and other fav spices/herbs


Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (150 degrees Celsius)
Separate the eggs, there must be no yolk in the white.
In one bowl, mix together the egg yolks, cream cheese and honey until smooth.

In the second bowl add 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder (or cream of tartar if you prefer, I just didn’t like the taste of cream of tartar) to the whites and beat the whites on high speed until they are fluffy, form a nice peaks and hold their peaks

Slowly fold the egg yolk mixture into the egg whites and mix carefully, you don’t want to break the fluffiness of the egg whites too much.
Do this as quickly as possible or the mixture may start melting – Spoon the mixture into 10-12 even rounds onto lightly greased baking sheet, sprinkle with rosemary or your favorite spices and put it in the oven.
Bake for 17-20 minutes on the middle rack. Then broil (cook the top) for 1 minute and watch it until they become nice and golden brown. At this point make sure you watch them so they don’t burn

Remove from the oven and let cool and enjoy!


They can be stored in the container on your counter-top for 3 days. They can also be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days and they can also be stored in the freezer. If you decide to toast them, set the timer for 1 minute or the sides may burn

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Low Carb