1 year ago
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Torte Oreos Recipe

Torte Oreos

Here are the ingredients you need and the preparation:

Ingredients :

2 packages of Oreos
300 ml fresh cream
150 g chocolate
60 ml milk
For the milk cream: (you will need 200 ml)
250 ml of milk
1 tablespoon cornstarch
40 g sugar
1 vanilla bean

Preparation of Oreo Cake without baking with Nutella

First, prepare the milk cream. Heat half the milk on the stove with the seeds of the vanilla bean and the sugar. Bring almost to a boil.
In another saucepan, pour the remaining milk with the cornstarch. As soon as the vanilla milk is ready, pour it in slowly and whisk to avoid lumps.
Switch to stove top and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is thicker and creamier, about 20 minutes.
Remove the cream from the pan and place in a low, wide container, preferably not plastic. Cover with cling film and allow to cool.
Whip the fresh cream and mix it with the milk cream when it is cold.
Then melt the chocolate with the milk. Remove from heat, add Nutella to taste, 2-3 tablespoons or more. Mix and let cool.
Place the cookies in the pan, all around and on the bottom. Make a first layer of cream, then a layer of chocolate with Nutella and another layer of cream to cover the cookies.
Place in freezer for at least 40 minutes. Remove the no-bake Oreo cake with Nutella and milk cream from the freezer at least 30 minutes before serving.

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