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The Easiest Way To Peel Garlic

The Easiest Way To Peel Garlic

The Magic Potion Cures 100 Diseases. Do it yourself

Garlic is a magical plant. In fact, it is definitely the best natural antibiotic. By eating garlic every day, you enjoy its countless benefits. In this article, I first present the virtues of this extraordinary plant. Then, how to easily make this home remedy with garlic and honey.

Scientific benefits of garlic

Today, science has studied garlic and considers it a health superstar. He has the following qualities:

Prevents atherosclerosis, heart attacks and coronary artery disease.
Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Heals insect bites.
Relieves symptoms of colds and hay fever.
Helps in the treatment of fungal infections and Traveler’s Diarrhea.
Eliminates toxins.
Strengthens immunity.
It may also be beneficial for controlling the symptoms of:

enlarged prostate
If these exceptional benefits make you crave garlic, here is the best way to eat it to improve your health:


8 fresh garlic cloves
1 cup (200 ml) unfiltered, unpasteurized organic apple cider vinegar
1 cup (200 ml) unpasteurized raw honey
Small piece of ginger (optional)


Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed for 45-60 seconds. Alternatively, you can put the garlic in first, mix well so it becomes nice – or you can use a garlic grinder instead – then place in the blender, then mix in the honey and apple cider vinegar and blend for another 10-15 seconds.

Then pour into a glass jar or (sealable) container and leave in the refrigerator for five days, stirring occasionally. After five days, the mixture is ready.

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