8 years ago
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Snacks to Eat if You Have Diabetes

Do you believe in the saying, “what you eat is what you are”? Perhaps this is true most of the time. There’s no denying of the fact that people enjoy eating to their heart’s (and stomach’s) desire. But not all people can have a feast on all sorts of food.
Individuals suffering from diabetes are required to monitor the food that they eat each day. Food has a big effect on the condition of a diabetic patient. A certain food may increase or decrease the amount of sugar and insulin. Since there is a call for a careful choice of food to be eaten, here are some of the food that you can consider to have as your snack.

Sweet potatoes
Considered as the “super food” for diabetics, sweet potatoes help in regulating the blood-sugar level of the body through lowering insulin resistance. Sweet potatoes are also rich in fiber that helps in the control of bad cholesterol (LDL). The simplest way to cook it is boiling it. They can also be fried as an alternative for French fries, but it is less recommended because of the fat you can get from the oil you use for frying. You can also have backed sweet potatoes seasoned with spices, topped with cheese, or just simply dashed on with a little salt and pepper.

Green, leafy veggies for your salad
Packed with all the nutrients that you need, your salad can help you maintain a healthy body. Amino acids are also among the good things that green veggies have, strengthening the immune system. Spinach, kale and collards are some of the leafy vegetables you can munch on. Tossing in eggs, some pieces of black olives, and tuna meat can even make it more protein-packed.

Green tea and whole-grain cracker
According to EverydayHealth, green tea helps in the metabolic function of the body. Green tea has polyphenol, which act as antioxidants that help ward off free radicals that may damage the cells in your body. It would be a great partner for a piece or two of a whole-grain cracker.

Bean salad
According to the American Diabetes Association, beans are among the super foods for diabetic patients. Beans are rich in fiber, a good source of magnesium and potassium, and gives the amount of protein that meat can also provide, minus the saturated fat. Black beans, mixed with avocado mash, tomato slices and any other choice you want can give you a more enjoyable and healthy snack.

Simply munching on these crunchy snack is satisfying. It is good addition to your diet because of the many health benefits it has, like antioxidants that help in detoxifying, and micro-biotics which aid in your proper digestion.

Fruit salad or mixed fruits
A selection of fruits can give a lot of benefits to a diabetic. Peaches provide potassium; apples not only are rich in vitamins, they also have high level of antioxidant, especially their leathery skin; pears are good source of vitamin K; apricots are rich in fiber and other essential vitamins; tart cherries are good source of fiber and packed with anti-oxidant; kiwi fruit, like the rest of the fruits mentioned, is low on carbs. Blue berries may improve the insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients. They help the body to process glucose for more efficiently. Drizzling them with honey adds to the sweetness that you are craving for.

Vegetable and fruit puree
Blended selection of fruits and vegetables have been a fad in dieting, especially for those who are into some health conditions such as diabetes. Slices of carrots, bananas, celery and apple can make of a refreshing and healthy drink.

Oats and nuts meal
Aside from they are enjoyable to eat as a snack, nuts are good source of protein and some of them may also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Mix with fiber-rich oats, a little amount of low-fat or non-fat milk, and a choice of blueberries or raspberry can give it a boost of vitamins.

A person can actually experiment snacks on his own, depending on his preferences of food and what he can afford to eat. This is a healthier and cheaper way of eating snack. Instead of buying from the store readily prepared snacks, learn to “mix-and-match” available food at home.

One’s cravings for food that he should avoid can still be satisfied through the healthy and more suitable snacks for a diabetic. Be more willing to break bad habits and stay focused on food that will make your condition better. If you want to stay healthy, eat healthy!

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