8 years ago
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Skillet Fried Corn

Ingredients :

4 ears of fresh corn, shucked and cleaned
4 strips of thick cut bacon
2 T. butter…
1/2 C. diced red bell pepper
1/4 C. heavy whipping cream
salt and pepper to taste

Instructions :

Steady the corn in a bowl and carefully cut the kernels off, close to the cob and then scrape down the cob with a butter knife to get the milk from the cob before discarding, set the kernels aside. Cut up the bacon and fry it in a med. size skillet till it is crisp. Remove the bacon to a plate and leave 3 T. of the bacon grease in the pan. Put the rest in a jar and keep it in the fridge for future use. With the heat being on med. high add the corn to the bacon grease and stir to coat well. Add the bell pepper and the butter. Continue to cook, stirring so it doesn’t stick for 15 minutes. Add the heavy cream and stir to get all the yummy bits from the bottom of the pan. Cook for about a minute, the cream will absorb into the corn. Remove from the heat, season with salt and pepper to taste and them stir in the bacon just before serving.

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