1 year ago
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Natural Homemade Banana

Homemade Banana Recipe

Natural Homemade Banana Recipe for Dry Hair

But what effects can it have on hair? If you too are asking yourself the same questions, we invite you to discover in this guide the benefits of the banana mask for the hair as well as how to prepare it and its method of application.

The benefits of banana for hair
On your hair, the banana will have several advantages: it will nourish the hair (but not hydrate it, that’s still different). The hair is also more supple and softer.

So it’s perfect if you have dry or damaged hair. Thanks to its nutrients, bananas also promote hair growth. Finally, this fruit helps to avoid flaking, responsible for dry dandruff, thanks to vitamin A which helps in the proper production of sebum.


Half ripe banana (but not too ripe)
1 tablespoon of olive oil


Take the banana and blend it using a blender and once blended add the oil, mixing well until the mixture is homogeneous.
Apply the mask from roots to ends, apply the film to the hair then with a terry towel. Leave to act for at least 30 minutes.
Wash the mixture from the hair with lukewarm water with the stream of water in the direction of the hair, i.e. from top to bottom.
Then proceed with the usual shampoo and conditioner.
This type of mask should not be done too often: it is more than enough to do it once every 15 days.

We suggest applying the mask to dirty hair, so that the sebum does not allow sticky banana residue to remain in the hair.

How often should you make a banana mask?

We advise you to make a banana mask between once a week and once every 2 weeks, depending on the needs of your hair.
Very easy to prepare at home, the banana mask doesn’t take very long to take effect, so you can easily integrate it into your beauty routine, even if you’re in a hurry!

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