1 year ago
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Little Red Riding Hood cake

Little Red Riding Hood Cake

Little Red Riding Hood cake – just delicious

Ingredients :

For the dough:
100 g butter
150 g sugar
3 egg(s)
200 g flour
1 pt. baking powder
2 tbsp Nutella or cocoa powder

For the topping:
500 g quark (low-fat quark)
2 pts. vanilla
sugar 3 tbsp. sugar
3 pts. cream stiffener
2 cups cream
1 glass sour cherries
250 ml cherry juice
1 pt

preparation :

For the base:
Mix together the ingredients except Nutella. Divide the dough in half and fill one half into a springform pan, stir 2 tablespoons of Nutella or cocoa into the second half. Pour the dark batter into the mold. Spread 1 glass of sour cherries on top (reserve the juice), bake for 40 – 50 minutes at 180 °C top and bottom heat.

Topping :
Beat the cream and cream stabilizer well, stir in the quark, sugar and cream stabilizer and fold in the cream. Place the cake ring around the cooled cake and spread the quark mixture over it. Chill for 2-4 hours. Then thicken 1/4 l cherry juice with cake glaze and spread over the cake.

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