9 years ago
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Heaven Custard Pancake:

What you will need:
1 lb-500 g flour
4 eggs
1 cup-125 ml milk
7 oz-170 g sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 oz- 25 g baking powder
oil for frying
Powdered sugar
lemon peel
1 pinch of salt
Crema Pasticcera – Custard

How to Make It:
-Firstly, Take a large bowl and put the eggs and sugar, beat well with electric mixer and then add the lemon zest.
Secondly, Sift together milk, salt and vanilla sugar, baking powder, flour, and add to mixture.
-Thirdly, Heat the oil in a pan with high sides, taken the mixture with two teaspoons and make a ball and fry, until they rise to the surface. Get them with a slotted spoon and then put them on paper towels.
-Fourthly, Put the Crema in the pastry bag, then hole the frittelle and garnish with Crema.
-FINALLY; Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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