1 year ago
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Fruit Cakes Recipe

Fruit Cakes


Genoise the recipe here
1/2 liter of milk
80 g sugar
4 egg yolks
50 g of flour
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
Various fruits of your choice
Slivered almonds


Prepare your sponge cake
Make the pastry cream: in a bowl, mix the egg yolks with the sugar, then add the flour.
Boil the milk with the vanilla sugar.
Pour the boiling milk over the egg-sugar-flour mixture, whisking constantly. Return to the heat (low) and whisk until thickened. Let the cream cool.
Toast the slivered almonds (in a non-stick pan). Once roasted, let cool a little.
Carefully cut the sponge cake in 2. Place one half on a serving dish and cover with half of the cream.
Arrange some sliced fruit on top of the cream.
Carefully place the second half of the cake exactly on top of the first. Cover the surface and edges of the cake with the remaining cream.
For a very moist cake, you can soak the discs with syrup, just before topping with cream. Or, if using canned fruit for decoration, use the syrup from the fruit.
Decorate the surface with the chosen fruit and the edges with the toasted almonds, according to your inspiration.
Make a transparent topping (it’s prettier when the fruit “shines”) by bringing a little water and apricot jam to a boil.
Let the cake rest for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.

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