1 year ago
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Country cakes for children without baking

Country cakes for children without baking

Ingredients :

for a springform pan approx. 23cm:
For the white layer:
250 g mascarpone, fresh
250 grams of whipped cream
200 grams of white chocolate
100g breakfast cereal* (honey puffed wheat)
For the milk chocolate layer:
200 g of milk chocolate
150 g whipped cream, cold

approximately. 150-170 g butter biscuits
20 g breakfast cereals*


Place baking paper at the bottom of the springform pan (diameter approx. 23 cm) and stretch the ring around it. Line the base with the buttered biscuits, cutting the biscuits to fit as needed. Put aside.
Prepare the white layer: chop the chocolates and place them in a large bowl. Heat the cream over high heat (bringing almost to a boil), remove from the heat and pour it over the chopped chocolate, wait about 1 minute for the chocolate to soften, then stir well with a spoon or whisk until the chocolate is melted. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature, then cover and place in the refrigerator for approx. 6 hours or all night.
Whisk the cold mascarpone with the cold ganache (chocolate cream) over medium/high heat until stiff. (Do not beat for too long otherwise the cream will curdle).
Incorporate the breakfast cereals using a spatula.
Spread the white cream evenly over the buttered biscuits.
Place a second layer of butter biscuits on top.

Put the cake in the refrigerator and prepare the milk chocolate layer in the meantime: chop the milk chocolate and let it melt in a bain-marie. Let cool slightly.
Whip the cream until stiff. Incorporate the cooled but still liquid chocolate using a spatula and spread over the biscuits.
Sprinkle the cake with the remaining breakfast cereal and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or overnight).

Variant 2:
Ingredients (see above)
Place baking paper at the bottom of the springform pan (diameter approx. 23 cm) and stretch the ring around it. Line the base with the buttered biscuits, cutting the biscuits to fit as needed. Put aside.
Prepare the white layer: Chop the white chocolate into small pieces and melt it in a bain-marie. Put aside.
Whisk the chilled mascarpone with the cold cream until stiff. (Slowly increase the speed of the food processor or hand mixer. Do not beat for too long or the cream will curdle). Reduce the speed to low and pour in the cooled but still liquid chocolate in a thin stream.
Incorporate the breakfast cereals using a spatula.
Spread the white cream evenly over the buttered biscuits.
Place a second layer of butter biscuits on top.
Put the cake in the refrigerator and prepare the milk chocolate layer in the meantime: chop the milk chocolate and let it melt in a bain-marie. Let cool slightly.
Whip the cream until stiff. Incorporate the cooled but still liquid chocolate using a spatula and spread over the biscuits.
Sprinkle the cake with the remaining breakfast cereal and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or overnight).

*I had Kellogg’s Smacks. If the cake must be gluten-free, you can, for example, use puffed rice. Just puffed rice is much lighter than honey puffed wheat. Therefore, please do not weigh the puffed rice, but measure it with a measuring cup. For the white layer you need 2 ½ glasses (1 glass = 250 ml) and ½ glass for sprinkling. To sprinkle, I mixed the puffed rice with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey then spread it over the cake with my fingers.

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