4 hours ago
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Butter biscuits from grandma’s time with 200 g butter

Buttergebäck aus Großmutters

Butter biscuits from grandma’s time with 200 g butter


200 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
2 eggs
400 g flour
200 g butter
½ packet of baking powder
Jam (blackcurrant jam)
Icing sugar


This is how I do it: first mix the butter and sugar. Then stir in the eggs. Knead in the flour mixed with baking powder.

Then chill the dough for 20 minutes. Now roll out on a well-floured work surface and cut out shapes. There must be the same number of motifs.

Next, use a thimble to cut a hole out of half of the cut-out biscuits, as the biscuits will be filled with jam.

Then place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

  1. Bake at 180°C top and bottom heat for 15 minutes. The biscuits must still be light in color.

After cooling, spread a sour jam (e.g. currant) on the half without a hole and place the other half with a hole on top.

Finally, dust with powdered sugar.

The cookies keep well in a tin or Tupperware container and taste particularly good when they have been left to rest for a few days.

Enjoy your meal

Butter biscuits from grandma’s time with 200 g butter

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